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What it is

Instagram* has a limitation — a 24-hour window for automatic messages from the flow. This means that if the person’s last activity was more than 24 hours ago, new messages from the flow will not be sent to their Direct Messages.

Activity is considered to be a message from a user, clicking on a button, or launching a new flow, for example, through a mention in a story or using a keyword.

After the 24-hour window is closed, people continue to be counted in your tariff.

Circumventing the limitations

Instagram* has no way to bypass the 24-hour window. There are no special tags like on Facebook* or template messages like in WhatsApp*.

7 days

The 24-hour limit applies only to automatic messages — these are all the messages that come through the BotHelp platform, including those that you send manually through the Conversations.

However, you can write to a person manually within 7 days, straight to the Instagram* Direct messages.

How to work with a 24-hour window

We recommend creating flow chains in such a way that the person wants to be active after each message. Ask questions and leave buttons in the messages. With this setup, the flow can work for a long time while the person is active.

An example of a chain: If the user replies to the third message, the 24-hour window opens anew. And then the fourth message from the flow will reach the person, as shown in the screenshot, 25 hours after the launch of the flow.

*Owned by Meta, an organization recognized as extremist and banned in Russia.

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