Person's path
What does your subscriber’s path look like, from advertising to chain launch
Instagram* clips posts and makes links non-working
What should I do if my Instagram posts are cropped? What should I do if the links in an Instagram post become non-working? Why is the text in bold?
Launching a flow in response to the reaction to stories
How to launch a bot for an Instagram* user who responded to a story
Ice Breaker Instagram*
How to set request options and launch a bot/auto-dispatch by clicking on a button in direct
Response in the comments under posts and Reels
How to respond to a comment with a comment
What to do if integration doesn't work?
If Instagram doesn’t connect, the bot doesn’t start, or the already connected Instagram channel stops working.
How to send a person to your profile
How to use landing pages for Instagram*
Flows for Instagram*
Bot features for Instagram* on the BotHelp platform. How do I launch a bot? How do I check my account subscription?
Launching a flow through a mention in stories
How to launch a bot for an Instagram* user who mentioned your profile in his story
Reaction to comments
Setting up an automatic message to a subscriber who left a comment under an Instagram* post. Launching a bot from a comment under reels
24-hour window for Instagram*
How do I write to Direct subscribers after 24 hours?
How to connect Instagram to BotHelp