A global variable is a parameter the value of which is the same for your entire profile: for all flows, for all people.


1. To create a global variable, go to your profile settings and open the “Global variables” section.

2. To create a global variable, click Add a new variable.

3. In the window that opens, enter the name of the variable, select its type, and set the value

  • Available global variable types: “number”, “text”, “date”, “date and time”.

4. Click Add.
It’s done: Your variable now appears in the list of all global variables.


After creating a global variable, you can change its value or name. You can’t change the variable type.

1. To edit a global variable, go to your profile settings and open the “Global variables” section.

2. For the variable that you want to edit, click on the menu “⫶” and select “Edit”.

3. In the window that opens, change the name or value of the global variable.

4. Click Save. Done: the value and name of the variable have been updated.


1. To remove a global variable from your profile, go to your profile settings and open the “Global variables” section.

2. For the variable you want to delete, click on the menu “⫶” and select “Delete”.

3. Confirm the deletion in the window that opens. Done: The variable has been removed from your profile.

Important! After deleting a global variable in blocks where it was previously used, you will have to delete the remaining characters or enter a new global variable.


Currently, global variables can be used as follows:

1. To insert the “Message” cards as a macro in the “Message” block in the flow constructor.

  • In this case, the global variable will be displayed as a macro in the flow constructor. However, people will receive its value in the flow.
  • If you change the value of the global variable in the settings, people in the flow will receive the already changed value of the global variable.

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