Tags are used to mark certain people within the platform.

Tag names

You can only use the letters (Cyrillic and Latin), numbers, and underscore_. If you use other characters, filtering will not work.

Options for applying tags

There are many ways to use tags. Let’s consider some examples.

  • For analytics

For example, you assign different tags to all new people and those who paid. And then you can filter and view the conversion rate.

For example, you segment your audience and assign a specific tag to each segment. You can filter people by tag and see how many people you have in each segment.

  • In manual broadcasting

For example, you want to send a broadcasting to those who subscribed but didn’t pay for it.
In the broadcasting settings, set the appropriate rules and tags. This means that the broadcasting goes only to the target people.

Please note that the audience is determined when the broadcasting is triggered. It will be sent to as many people as fall under the condition at that time. If there are currently 10 people for a certain tag, but this number may soon increase, for example, to 20, then it will go to the number of people that will be available at the time of sending the broadcasting.

  • For setting conditions

In multi-step flows, you can create variations by using tags.
For example, a person will receive a tag as soon as they pay for an item.
And if they have a tag, then by the condition of this tag, the user will follow a specific chain. If there is no tag— they will follow a different one.

Where can a tag be assigned

On landing pages

If you add a tag in the landing page settings, it will be assigned to everyone who subscribes via this landing page.


Mini-landing and VK landing pages

In the appropriate field, enter the appropriate tag and press Enter.

In multi-step flows

The tag is assigned in the Action block. This happens after the person passes this step of the flow.

1. Add a new action.

2. Go to action settings.
3. Add a new “Add Tag” action.
4. Enter a tag name.
5. Save.

Actions can be added after any step. For example, you can mark with a tag those who clicked on the corresponding button or followed the link.
You can track the transition using the conditions.

In automation


The tag is assigned immediately after the automation is triggered. The person entered the keyword — automation was triggered — the tag was assigned.
Add the “Add Tag” action in the automation settings.

Payment acceptance

The tag will be assigned after successful payment. Add the “Add Tag” action in the payment acceptance settings.

In sequences

You have to configure the tag assignment individually for different messengers.


For Facebook, you can assign a tag in buttons and quick responses.



  1. Add the “Text” card.
  2. Add a button to it.
  3. Select the “action” button type.
  4. Add the “Add Tag” action.
  5. Enter the tag name.
  6. Enter the button name.
  7. Save.

Quick Responses (Facebook only):

  1. Add the response options.
  2. Enter the response title.
  3. Add the “Add Tag” action.
  4. Enter the tag name.
  5. Save.


Online buttons:

  1. Add a button in the”Text” card.
  2. Optionally, select the color of the button.
  3. Select the “action” button type.
  4. Add the “Add Tag” action.
  5. Enter the tag name.
  6. Save.


Keyboard (“action” button type)

  1. Add the keyboard.
  2. Add the button.
  3. Optionally, select the color of the button.
  4. Add the “Add Tag” action.
  5. Enter the tag name.
  6. Save.

In the user profile

You can go to the user’s profile and manually add the appropriate tag.

How to remove a tag

In the user profile

You can go to the user’s profile and manually remove the unnecessary tag. To do this, click on the cross mark next to the tag name.

In actions
Add the “Remove Tag” action. Actions are available in flows, sequences, and automations.
You can configure removal in the same way as adding the tag. But instead of the “Add Tag” action, add the “Remove Tag” action. You have to select the tag from the list.

Mass actions with tags

Set and remove a tag for a group of people

  • Go to the “People” section.
  • Select people with the appropriate tag.
  • Click the “Mass Actions” button to open the list of mass actions.
  • Select “Set Tag” or “Remove Tag”.
  • From the drop-down list, select the tag that you want to set or remove from the people’s profiles, and click on the corresponding button.


Difference between tags and UTM tags.

UTM tags are used to track external subscription sources. For example, you can add them to the link to the VK landing or mini-landing, as well as to the direct link of the flow.
UTM tags are stored in special fields inside the user profile.

The usual internal tags are needed for operation and analytics inside the BotHelp platform.

How to remove tags from the list

Video Tutorial:

YouTube video

If you have accumulated a lot of extra tags, you can remove them.

To do this, in the “Tags” section of your profile settings, select the appropriate tags and remove them.

* Owned by Meta, an organization recognized as extremist and banned in Russia.

If you haven’t found the answer to your question, contact us in the chat in your profile or email [email protected] 😃

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