After creating an autofunnel, you need to start attracting people, and for this you need advertising. In this article, you will learn how to create advertisements so that people get into the broadcasting.
You definitely need a VK landing page and a link to it, for example:
In order to attract an audience to your flow or broadcasting, you need to place this link where users can see it and click on it.
Where and how to place the link
- In the application menu of your group.
2. Send the link inside the messenger.
3. Post a link to a VK landing page on another website.
4. Create a post and paste the link to the landing page into the text.
5. Arrange it like any other link: make a QR code, paste it under a video, in an email, and the like.
6. Use in advertising.
How to set up ads using VK landing
- Go to the advertising profile by following the link. If you don’t have a profile yet, VKontakte will offer to create one. Follow the instructions from VKontakte, and you will succeed.
- Click the Create Ad button in the advertising profile.
3. Select the ad format. The following options are suitable for VK landing: carousel, universal entry, entry with a button, external website.
To warm up the audience better, we recommend choosing “universal entry”.
In this format, you can use text with numerous characters, add several photos, videos, and GIFs. This way there are more chances to convey the necessary information to the user.
4. Click Create Post.
Add the ad text. It should include a call to follow the link to the VKontakte landing page. It is advisable to indicate it at the beginning and at the end of the text so that users do not join the group, but subscribe to the broadcasting. Remove the snippet that appears from the link, otherwise the ad will change its format to “entry with a button”. Add a photo, video, or GIF and click Create.
Important! In the example, the link was added without UTM tags.
To learn how to track the effectiveness of each ad by using UTM tags, read the article: How to add UTM tags.
5. Set the audience settings.
Specify the geography, age, and marital status. Be sure to divide the audience into segments, choose your own approach to each one. Their goals and requests will be different!
Specify the interests of the audience, the position, if necessary. You can also set up ads for search queries in and its partners. Specify which groups your potential clients can be in, and which ones they can be active in (like, comment).
You can upload an audience gathered using parsers and other third-party services.
Specify which devices your audience is using in VKontakte, for example, a low-cost Android or the latest iPhone model, which operating system they use, and which browser they use to access the social network. Add these settings ONLY if they really matter.
In the “Saving audience setup” step, you can save ad actions to separate audiences for repeat advertising.
Or you can save exceptions from displays:
It is very important to specify the daily and total limits!
We recommend setting a limit of 100 rubles and, after the limit is reached, making a decision on the further operation of the ad.
In the “Placement settings” section, select a way to optimize advertising: on which sites to display ads: on mobile devices, PCs, or all.
An advertising campaign is a folder where you save several ads that are similar in some way. For example, the “audience under 30” advertising campaign.
Click Create Ad. A new tab will open and you will see how your ad will look in the users’ feed. You can edit it or click Launch.
After the advertisement is approved by the moderators of VKontakte, its display will begin, and you will be able to track all the necessary statistics on it: displays, clicks, conversion.
❗ We recommend that you do not shorten the link to the landing page and do not use Since external links from a mobile device can be opened in a browser, and not in the VKontakte application.
Soon you will have your first people and you will be able to work with them. Read our article on how to filter and export people.
Filtering, exporting, or deleting people
If you haven’t found the answer to your question, contact us in the chat in your profile or email [email protected]😃
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