Offline conversions are customer actions that occur in environments that are not available for automatic tracking by Yandex, such as messengers or some browsers.

Transferring offline conversions from BotHelp flows to Yandex Metrika helps you improve your ad performance and increase your return on investment thanks to accurate optimization in Yandex Direct.

Setting up a mechanism for manually and automatically transmitting an offline conversion to Yandex Metrika

1. Creating a Yandex Metrika tag

1. Log in to your Yandex Metrika account and click “Add Tag”.

2. Enter the tag name, enter the address of any website, and accept the terms of the user agreement.
You can add other settings at will.

3. Click the “Create Tag” button.

4. On the second step, click “Start using”.

For further setup, you will need the tag number. You can find it in the list of available tags.

2. Enabling the function of uploading offline conversions in Yandex MetriKa

1. In the required tag, click “Settings” in the side menu.

2. Select “Upload data”.

3. Among the settings, find “Offline conversions” and click “Enable offline conversion tracking”.
Uploading offline conversions will become available within 24 hours.

3. Activation of collecting Yandex Client ID in the person’s card via the mini-landing page

1. In the “Growth Tools” section, add a new mini-landing page.

2. Add at least one button to the mini-landing page (Yandex Client ID collection is available for the “Facebook”, “Telegram”, “Viber”, and “Whatsapp” buttons).

3. Activate the “Track subscription via analytics” setting.

4. In the Yandex Metrics field enter the number of the tag created earlier.

5. Fill in the other necessary settings for the mini-landing page and save it.

After saving the mini-landing page, Yandex Client ID collection for landing page users will be activated. The Yandex Client ID system field with the filled-in value will appear in the card of each person who clicked the button on this mini-landing page.

4. Creating a goal in Yandex Metrika

1. Go to the tag in Yandex Metrika. Open the “Goals” tab.

2. Click the “Add Goal” button.

3. In the window that opens, enter the name of the goal, in the “Goal ID” field, select “matches” and enter an arbitrary value (for example, “order_confirmed”).

4. Click “Add Goal”. For further setup, we’ll need the value of the goal ID.

Automatic transmission of offline – conversions to Yandex Metrika

Automatic transmission is available via the “Send event to Yandex Metrika” action via the flow constructor.
This feature is available for Telegram, Facebook, Viber, and Whatsapp flows.

For the conversion transfer function to work correctly, you need to prepare a tag and a goal in Yandex Metrika, and a Yandex authorization token.

1. Getting an authorization token via registering a Yandex app
To work with the API from the browser, you have to use the authorization token. To get the token:

1. Create an app and fill in the fields:

– Name (you can enter a random one).

– Service icon (optional).

– Application platforms (select web services).

– In the “redirect URI” field, enter

– In the “Data access” section, enter metrika:read and metrika:write.

– In the “Contact Mail” section, enter your email address to receive notifications about changes in Yandex external authorization.

 – Click “Create App”.

2. On the page that opens, copy the value of the ClientID field. 

3. Add the copied ClientID to the link in this format<app id>

4. Follow the link and copy your authorization token on the page that opens. Save the token in your notes. You will need it to set up automatic transmission of offline conversions.

Token lifetime is 1 year. After a year, you will have to follow the same link again and save the new authorization token for a year. If you enable other services for the app or add settings, it can significantly reduce the life of the authorization token (even up to 7 days).

2. Setting up automatic transmission of offline conversions

1. In the flow constructor (Telegram, Facebook, Viber, Whatsapp), add a new step of the “Action” type or open an existing one in the editing format.

2. Click the “Add action” button and select the action “Send event data to Yandex Metrika”.

3. Fill in the fields “Tag number” (Yandex Metrika tag number), “Token” (Yandex app authorization token), “Goal ID” (goal ID in Yandex Metrika has to match the one in the constructor).

You can learn how to get the data to fill in in the article above.

4. Save your changes in the step.

The conversion file will be sent once an hour at XX:08 (e.g., at 13:08, 14:08, etc.) to Yandex Metrika. Each file sent will contain the conversions collected over the past hour. After sending the conversion file, the corresponding entry in the “Processing” status will appear at the bottom of the “Uploading data” page in the “Settings” section in Yandex Metrika.

Upon successful upload, the status will be updated to”Completed”.

In the “Conversions” section in Yandex Metrika, you will see data about added conversions.

Important! The conversion time in the “Conversions” section will correspond to the time when the person visited the mini-landing page.

Manual transmission of offline conversions to Yandex Metrika

Creating a file for uploading an offline conversion to Yandex Metrika

In order for Yandex Metrika to process and accept conversions after uploading, the csv file has to be generated correctly. The file has to consist of three mandatory parameters for each transmitted conversion: ClientID (unique user ID), Target (goal ID in Yandex Metrika), and DateTime (conversion completion time).

To create a csv file:

1. Export the list of people from BotHelp “With all custom fields” and download the file.

2. Open the file and filter the list by the Yandex Client ID column and leave the rows that have any value in this column, delete the rest. Change the column name to ClientID.

3. Add the Target column. For each conversion, you have to fill in the goal ID. The goal ID can be found in the “Goals” section in Yandex Metrika.

4. Add a DateTime column to fill in for each conversion. To fill it in, you can use the values of the “Date and Time” columns from the upload or fill in manually.

As a result, you should get a similar spreadsheet.

5. Upload the file to Yandex Metrika in “Settings” – “Uploading data” – “Offline – conversions”.

If you haven’t found the answer to your question, contact us in the chat in your profile or email [email protected] 😃

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