Processes can be used to send information about the person and their order from GetCourse to BotHelp in order to interact with the person through the flow. One example of using the flow process and settings may be tracking payment for an order or course in GetCourse.

GetCourse setup steps

1. Creating a product

  • Go to the “Sales” section — “Products” and click Add Product.

  • Give the product a name.
  • Set the offer price for this product.

  • After saving the product, go to the “Offers” tab and open the created offer. Its name matches the name of the product.
  • Make sure that the “Complete order automatically upon receipt of payment” checkbox is active for the offer.
    • Then, for this offer, orders will automatically switch to the “Completed” status after payment is received.

2. Creating a process

  • Go to the “Tasks” section — “Processes” and click the Create Process button.

  • Enter the process name.
  • Select the “Orders” object type.
  • You don’t need to specify anything in the “template” field — the “without template” option.
  • Click the Create button.

3. Process setup

  • In the settings of the created process, in the “Mass task creation” section, select “Periodic review”.
    • In this case, the created process will automatically “drag in” suitable orders.
  • In the entry rules for the object, specify the offer orders of which you want to check, and their status is “Completed”.

4. Creating process logic

This process will only include orders that have already been paid for the previously selected offer. Therefore, no additional verifications and conditions have to be set up during the process.

  • In the settings of the created process, go to the “Process” tab to set up the logic of the process itself.
  • Add the “Operation” block.
    • Enter the block name.
    • The block should work according to the “Order”.
    • The type of operation is “Call URL”.

  • In the block settings, select the “POST” method.
  • Insert a link in the URL column:{}&phone={}&order_status={object.status}&offers={object.offers}&domain_name={%Your domain is in Bothelp%}
  • What is this link for?
    • GetCourse uses it to send data about the person and their order to BotHelp, so that the flow can then verify the condition.
    • This link contains the necessary information about the person and their order:
      • email — email address of the person. According to it, BotHelp finds a specific person in its database. This is a required field.
      • domain_name the name of your profile in BotHelp. Using this field, BotHelp understands in which profile to look for a person with such an email. This is a required field.
      • phone — the person’s phone number. BotHelp can also use it to find a specific person in its database if there are several people found by the mail. This is an optional field.
      • order_status — the person’s order status. This is a required field.
      • offers — the number of the offer for which the person placed the order. This is a required field.
  • Important! In the domain_name column instead of the text {%Your domain in Bothelp%} you have to specify the domain of your profile in BotHelp.
    • The curly brackets {} and % signs have to be removed. The final record will be in this format: domain_name=mybhaccount.

  • Save the block.
  • Add the “Process Termination” block and establish the links between the blocks.
  • The final process should look like this:

  • Important! On the “General” tab of the process you are creating, activate the “Approved” checkbox and click the big green Run button.

Setting up a funnel in BotHelp

To receive data from GetCourse in the BotHelp profile, follow these steps:

  • In the flow constructor, add the “Condition” block.
  • In the block settings, add the condition “Order status in GetCourse”.
  • In the settings that open, enter the ID of the GetCourse offer that the person has placed an order for, and the order status that needs to be verified.
    • In our example, the offer number is 3875235, it is taken from the list of all offers in GetCourse, and the order status is “Completed”.

Important! When the user reaches a step with a condition, the condition is verified immediately. If at that time the offer status for the user is not equal to the one selected in the condition, or if the data has not yet come from GetCourse, then the user will follow the “No” branch.

  • In order for the flow to wait for the specified order status, it is necessary to set a delay after the condition, e.g., for 15 minutes. There should be a transition from the “No” condition to the delay, and from the delay there should be a transition back to the same condition.
  • In this case, the user will be stuck in the condition until performing an action in GetCourse, which will assign the desired offer status.
  • So that the cycle is not endless for people who have not paid for the order, you can create a counter through a custom field. To do this, before starting the cycle, set the custom field value for a person to 10, for example. And after each condition verification, reduce the value by 1. And when the value is 0, remove the person from this cycle through another “Condition” block.

If you haven’t found the answer to your question, contact us in the chat in your profile or email [email protected]😃

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