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With recurring (repeatable) payments, you can receive money from your people on a regular basis. You can organize subscription clubs or provide users with the opportunity to pay for an expensive product in installments.

You can learn more about registering an account with Prodamus and enabling recurring payments in this article.

(!) When enabling recurring payments, you have to enable the “club functionality” service. This will allow you to regulate the possibility of subscribing and unsubscribing, setting the frequency and intervals of auto-debits, the number of debit attempts, subscription discounts, demo periods, and monitoring of debits for a specific person.

To activate the “club functionality“, you need to send an email request to [email protected] or write to the private messages of the community in VKontakte.

Settings in Prodamus and creation of subscription products

1. Go to the “Settings” section on the payment page. It appears at the bottom of the page after authorization.

2. In the “Settings” at the top of the page, go to the “Subscriptions” section.

3. To add a subscription, use the Add button. Fill out the form.

3.1. Subscription name
The more accurately the name is filled in, the better. It should be borne in mind that it will be included in the receipt.
3.2.     Debit interval
This numeric value in days is the interval at which the debits will take place.
For example, if you specify 30 days, the subscription fee will be debited from the person’s card every 30 days.
3.3.     Number of auto-debits, excluding the first payment
The number of debits that will take place at a given interval.

Important! The second and subsequent subscription payments are considered auto-debits. The first payment is not counted here.

If you do not fill in the field with the number of auto-debits, then their number will be unlimited. In order for the debits to stop, the owner of the Prodamus account will have to disable the subscription for a specific person. Or for all subscribers in general.

3.4.     Subscription description
An optional field.
Here you can describe in detail the terms of a specific subscription for the buyer.

3.5.     Subscription price
This is the amount that will be debited for a specific product at the interval specified above.

General club settings

These settings apply to all configured subscriptions.

1. Club rules

The rules apply to the club as a whole and apply to all subscriptions.

2. The secret key
The key is the password to your payment page data for other systems. It can be copied and used for its intended purpose. It is used when setting up integrations with third-party services.
The secret key is also duplicated in the “Form Settings” section. The information is identical on both pages, and you can copy the key on any of them.

3. Number of debit attempts
If the payment is debited unsuccessfully (for example, there is no money on the card, or the bank’s server fails), the specified number of repeated attempts will be made.

4. The interval of debit attempts
This is the period at which the debit attempts will be repeated.

5. The URL for subscription payment notifications

This section specifies URLs (webhook addresses) in a third-party system, which is necessary for tracking payments in BotHelp. Notifications from Prodamus about auto-payments, i.e. about the second and subsequent subscription payments, will be sent to these addresses.
For BotHelp, specify this address:

Important! The URL setting is required in order to track the payment.

The URLs for notifications are also set up in the “Form Settings” section. There you can set the addresses for the first subscription payment notifications. When setting up the club functionality, you need to specify the URL both in the “Form Settings” and in the “Subscriptions” section.

If you do not fill in this field, notifications about auto-payments will not be sent to the system with which integration is set up. The system will not see these payments.

When setting up integration, you can use the “Test” function.
We recommend that you test it before using a recurring payment.

Settings in the BotHelp profile

1. Create a new payment page in the “Automation” section.
2. Select Prodamus in the payment system. You need to select the “Subscription” payment type.
3. Enter the subscription ID from Prodamus.
4. Enter the profile domain from Prodamus. The domain has to be copied from the browser bar while in the Prodamus profile.
5. Enter the secret key. The key has to be copied from the general subscription settings in Prodamus.

6. In the “Page Content” section, if necessary, you can enable the transmission of the main fields and UTM tags from the person’s card. In BotHelp, the main fields are phone and email.

7. The validity period of the link can be selected without limitation or with an absolute value. If you set an absolute validity period, the link will be active until the date and time you specify. After the expiration date, payment via this link will not be possible.

8. If necessary, you can specify the discount amount. The discount is indicated in rubles.

Important! The discount amount applies only to the first payment.

6. “Partner ID” is an optional field. Filled in if several identical payment pages are created. However, it is necessary to track in Prodamus which page the payment was made from. You can learn more about this in the article.

7. “Paid content” is also an optional field. After successful payment, information from this field will be sent to the client’s email.

8. urlReturn and urlSuccess are fields for entering links in case of successful payment and rejection of payment for certain reasons. These fields are optional, but they can be used to provide additional material.

Actions on the payment page

On the actions page of the payment page, you have to specify actions for three options:

1. Subscription action — a setting that allows you to perform certain actions for the user who activated the subscription.

Important! The subscription action will only be triggered upon the first payment.

2. Action at the end of the subscription — after the scheduled auto-debits, you can set up the execution of a specific action or several actions.

Important! Additional notification settings in the Prodamus system are required to activate actions when a subscription is terminated or a debit fails.

3. Action in case of an error — the setting allows you to perform a certain action in case of unsuccessful auto-debit.

Important! The action will be triggered for all three error cases: lack of funds / card expiration date/ system error — and will be repeated with each unsuccessful debit attempt.


After setting up, be sure to check the automation operation. Go to the conversation with your profile and edit the macro of the created automation. For example, {%payment_5%}. The macro is specified in the automation settings.

Example of a message:

(!) Please note that the payment link is generated after sending the message and only works within the chat with this user. You cannot send this link in another messenger or to another user. You cannot use this link in another service. The payment works only through a macro. 

Follow the link from the message in your messenger and test the payment. After a successful test, you can use this macro in other messages in the chain.

If you haven’t found the answer to your question, contact us in the chat in your profile or email [email protected]😃

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