UTM tags are parameters that are added to URLs to get detailed traffic information. They are used to track the effectiveness of advertising and funnels.
Using UTM tags
You can use UTM for analytics within the platform, export them to external systems, or filter people by them.

UTM tags are saved inside the user’s profile in special fields. You name the parameters inside the tags yourself. You can either use one of the tags or fill in all of them.
Adding a UTM tag to a link
To add a tag, simply paste it into the URL after the main landing page link. You can create a tag using special constructors from Google or Tilda.
Note: If you are creating a link using the constructor, check the result. The HTTPS protocol is required in the link. We do not guarantee that the link will work correctly with the usual HTTP protocol.
On the BotHelp platform, you can add a UTM tag to the link to a VK landing page and a mini-landing page.
Tags for a mini-landing page
Copy the link to the mini-landing page and paste it into notepad or into the UTM tag constructor. Then add the UTM tags you need to the end of the link.
Example of a link with UTM:
An example of a link when a custom domain is added to a mini-landing page:
Tags for VK landing pages
Copy the link to the VK landing page and paste it into the notepad. Add tags to the end of the link.
Example of a link with UTM:
If you are using a link to a VK landing page with auto-subscription, also add tags to the end of the link: auto=1&utm_source=test&
To shorten the link to a VK landing page with tags, use the service vk.cc.
Note: We do not support dynamic parameters in landing links.
Dynamic UTM tags are only available for VKontakte.
You can learn about ways to insert UTM tags into a VKontakte advertising campaign for VK landing in the article.
Tags from Facebook ads*
This method is used when setting up ads that lead directly to messages in the messenger. Specify the necessary tags when configuring ads in a special format in the “URL Parameters” field.
Important! There has to be the “ref=” parameter at the beginning. The parameters should be separated by a semicolon “;” and not by the usual ampersand “&”. There can be any number of the tags with whatever names you want.

Transmitting tags
You can configure uploading or transmitting of tags from the platform.
- Export to a spreadsheet
You can simply export the file with people data, and the tags will be displayed in the spreadsheet. Learn more about exporting

- Transmission in the link
To send a tag along with a link, add a macro of the appropriate tag to your link address (e.g., ?{%utm_source%}) or a macro ?{%ref%}, which transmits all tags from the person’s profile. Learn more about macros

- Transfer to Yandex Metrika and Google Analytics
After connecting the analytics system to the landing page and setting up the targets, the tags will be transmitted automatically. For information on how to connect analytics systems to BotHelp, see the articles: Setting targets in Yandex Metrika and Setting up targets in Google Analytics.

Dynamic UTM tags
The use of UTM tags in advertising campaigns allows you to analyze their effectiveness.
If it is necessary to multiply advertisements, the data should be pulled into tags from the profile automatically. To do this, use dynamic tags.
Do not shorten the link with dynamic tags when using it in BotHelp.
Static UTM Tags & Dynamic Parameters
The main types of static tags:
the specific name of the traffic source |
utm_medium | the type of the traffic source |
utm_campaign | the name of the advertising campaign |
utm_content | defines different versions of advertisements (e.g., two different links in one advertisement letter) |
utm_term |
indicates a specific keyword (for AdWords) or the date of an email broadcasting with an advertising link. |
To add a tag, simply paste it at the end of the landing page link, separating it from each other with the “&” symbol. Detailed settings are described in our article.
List of dynamic parameters:
{ad_id} |
ad ID |
{campaign_id} |
the ID of the advertising campaign |
{campaign_name} | the name of the campaign from the advertising profile |
{client_id} | customer ID (for agency profiles) |
{platform} | platforms used for ad traffic |
{keyword} or {search_phrase} | keywords that were used to make the click through to the ad. There can be several of these phrases. A maximum of 3 phrases will be transmitted, with a total length of no more than 200 characters. The parameters are equivalent, use only one of them |
{random} |
a random number |
To use dynamic tags, you have to specify the parameter you need instead of a specific value.
You can also use various online linking services to form a link.
Using dynamic tags
1. Create an advertising campaign in the VKontakte advertising profile:

You can create different numbers of ads in an already created campaign.:

2. Set up UTM tags
Static UTM tags always use the same constants.
Example: https://mnlp.cc/mini?domain=okrudman&id=8&utm_source=vk&utm_medium=trafik&utm_campaign=astah

Unlike constant UTM tags, dynamic tags have to include a parameter that will pull up values from a specific ad.
Example: https://mnlp.cc/mini?domain=okrudman&id=8&utm_source={campaign_name}&utm_medium={ad_id}&utm_campaign={campaign_id}
The link we get: https://mnlp.cc/mini?domain=okrudman&id=8&utm_source =Tags&utm_medium=126673777&utm_campaign=1024547721
Tags — campaign name
126673777 — Ad ID
1024547721 — Campaign ID

3. Track your people
Using dynamic UTM tags will significantly save work time.
The same link can be used in all advertisements, even if there are more than 100 of them.
You do not have to come up with a new constant UTM tag every time.

You will always know which ad the person came to you through.
You can enter the values in the search bar in the advertising profile (Ctrl+F) to find the desired ad.

If the name of the advertising campaign is written in Cyrillic, then the UTM tag will be also saved in the person’s BotHelp profile in Russian:

If you haven’t found the answer to your question, contact us in the chat in your profile or email [email protected]😃
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